Tuesday 11 March 2008

In the name of God

God made the mountain
and god made the lake
Man made religion,
and that's our mistake.
In the name of God
Aids is spread in Africa
Clinics are bombed in America
Catholics are shot in Belfast
Trains explode in London
And Palestinians are landless refugees.

For the love God
Why have we let religion
becomethe last refuge of the scoundrel?

God made the mountain
and god made the lake
Man-made religion
- that's our mistake.

Sunday 9 March 2008

Christian, Muslim, Jew

Christian and Moslem
Dizygotic bastard twins
Born of Zion.

Siblings religiously squabbling
over who owns truth
owns land, owns oil

Willing to kill for peace
Or have their angry sons
Die for the prophet
Or kill for greater profits

Christian, Moslem, Jew
Spot the difference if you can
They all believe in ONE GOD
Made in the image of the same
self serving, bigotted, power hungry,
and unpleasant man

Thus saith the preacher

God made the world
And god said let there be lightand there was lightAnd some saw the light and saw that it was good
And some saw the light and created darkness

And god created man and woman in the image of god
with freedom of will and the ablity to conceive and to build
and some saw free will and saw that it was good
and some saw free will and created anarchy

and god told mankind to go forth and to multiply
And some saw copulation and saw that it was good
And some saw fornication and created sin
And from sin created purity
And from purity created horror
And from horror re-created mankind in their own image

And where there was peace there could be war
And where there was love there could be hate
And where there was plenty there could be poverty
And where there was hope there could be despair

That they declared is god's will.

Saturday 8 March 2008

Thou shalt not ....

If people want to believe that religions are just fairy stories manipulated to control populations they have the right to believe that. If people want to believe the stories they have the right to so believe. But anyone who urges that we condem or kill people because of their beliefs does speak on behalf of God or humanity.

God doesnt care

God is not responsible - we are
Are you a believer?
Do you listen to the word of God?
Then you know that God made all things in heaven and earth. God gave you form, gave you intelligence, gave you free will.
God made us all, male and female, tall and short, fat and thin, black, white, yellow, brown and albino. God made us with the power to love and hate, to laugh and cry, to destroy or create.
And God gave every one of us the ability and free will to choose how we live - along with the knowledge that we will die.
That is why we should praise God.
And that is why God is worthy of our praise.
From the powers given to us by God we could create a heaven on this God given earth. That is what God wants us to do. That is why God created us as he did, everyone of us made in the image of God. Every one of us has God within us. Every one of us is capable of being Godlike.
Having given us the power, the ability and the free will, the task of God was done. The responsibility of our actions became our responsibility, freely given to us by God.
This is the word of God and God does not break his word.
The order of the world and the happiness and fulfillment of every human in this word is the responsibility of every individual of the human race.
God does not punish or reward or interfere with our actions for God has given us control over ourselves and our world.
God feels our pain and our joy. God shares our hope and despair. But God does not act as an external agent to intervene in our God given responsibilities.
God is all. All are the children of God