Sunday 9 March 2008

Thus saith the preacher

God made the world
And god said let there be lightand there was lightAnd some saw the light and saw that it was good
And some saw the light and created darkness

And god created man and woman in the image of god
with freedom of will and the ablity to conceive and to build
and some saw free will and saw that it was good
and some saw free will and created anarchy

and god told mankind to go forth and to multiply
And some saw copulation and saw that it was good
And some saw fornication and created sin
And from sin created purity
And from purity created horror
And from horror re-created mankind in their own image

And where there was peace there could be war
And where there was love there could be hate
And where there was plenty there could be poverty
And where there was hope there could be despair

That they declared is god's will.


Anonymous said...

In the beginning there was nothing. And God said "Let there be light." and there was still nothing, but now everyone could see it.

Anonymous said...

the trouble with most people
is that most people believe
that most people believe
what most people believe
when most people don't believe
what they believe most people believe.

Anonymous said...

Underlying the philosophy of all male dominated religions is the desire to twist truth and beauty in order to contol the followers.

Anonymous said...

Too true - and as a sop to ignorant males, in order to persuade them to relinquish their freedom of thought, these religions denigrate women as the repositories of evil and lesser being subject to man as man is to god. Hey - believe and you can have your own sexy slaves.